27 February 2006

Cliched vampire fiction wanted

Dark Recesses Press - Submissions

Any age, any plot, any characters are fine, but remember, we want the theme to include a seductive vampire (male or female). Since most competitors will be writing similar stories, style is key. It must be well written, but the more cliché, the more we'll squirm in pleasure, and the better your chances will be.

You have between 1000 - 2,500 words; not a trickle more or less.

Reading periods are from now until May 31st, 2006.

The winner will receive $500 in cold hard US cash

It doesn't specify whether or not the entries must be written in blood...

TAGS: contest, fiction


Sarcasmo said...

Wow. That's tempting. Although to win would be a most dubious honor.

Unknown said...

Yep, I'm sorely tempted myself... but I agree that it's not exactly a "resume builder."

Sarcasmo said...

Almost as good as winning the bulwer-lytton, I would imagine.

Still, I've already started the story in my head, so I suppose I should just go ahead and write it. It's worth a giggle, anyway.