28 October 2006


This afternoon we went out to Beaver Lake Park (somewhere I haven't been in many, many years) and went on a Nature Walk called "Ugh! A Slug!" sponsored by the CRD (Capital Regional District).

slug_guide slug_in_log

Kiddo showed off her cleverness by answering lots of questions (most of them correctly) and had fun. Our guide seemed quite impressed, as did some of the other parents. We enjoyed it enough to consider going to others; of those in the brochure, I am thinking the ones on squirrels and evergreens will be winners.

I even learned stuff today -- where the slug breathing hole is located (on the right side of the mantle), and the most effective and humane method of killing them (cutting them in half with scissors... eww). You can see the breathing hole in this picture:


tags: CRD Parks, slugs, nature program, learning

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