01 February 2005

busy-days and life's schedule

Scheduling has never worked well for me... but I find without some idea of what needs doing, I get nothing done. Things that need to be scheduled in my life include:

-- playgroup for the kid (was Fridays, now Tuesdays)
-- laundry (at least twice a week , currently Mondays and Thursdays)
-- housework (this REALLY needs to be regulated! -- see hubby's rant if you dare)
-- yoga (I am still trying to work this one in)
-- writing (preferably an hour or more uniterrupted. Yah, right.)
-- focused learning sessions (ie: homeschooling) with the kid (aiming for 5 hours a week right now, in 20 to 30 minute sessions)
-- cleaning the fish tank (odious but totally my job.)

Ultimately I think I need to write it all down on a big weekly calendar thingy and give it a test run for a few weeks. Anyone else out there this anal dash retentive?

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