By 10 a.m. there was about 3 inches on our patio, and we are close to the water so you know parts of Victoria are under a lot more white fluffy crap. Still, it is pretty:

I'm just really, really glad I am off work for two days (even if I am stuffy-headed), though I felt bad for hubby who ended up walking to work this morning because BC Transit couldn't drive through it (not well, anyway).
So we'll be curled up inside today. (My brother emailed from Ottawa to make sure we had enough food and batteries! Yes, we do thanks. And candles, too.) I plan to do much knitting this afternoon, and watch a movie or two (as long as the power stays on -- knock wood!).
as someone in vancouver i'd like to thank all of you on the island for creating a nice buffer to the major snow storm.
of course, being in vancouver means that you are taking you life in your hands if you drink when there is more than a flurry outside. people here seem to think that summer tires somehow work on ice and compact snow.
oh yes, and i don't think richmond owns a snow plow. that's how i got the day off today.
Having just come down from Kamloops, I can attest to the general poopiness of the snow we get here. It's just so damn sludgy and wet. The snow up there squeaks when you walk on it, pristine, unvitiated, fluffy stuff that rinses all the dirty thoughts from the mind and renews the spirit. Which is a big deal for a kapital K kreep like myself. :-(
ah well, back to the grind.
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