15 April 2007


Though I was disappointed with my first forray into Etsy, I have renewed my listings and am going to list some more, going with the theory that people want more to browse. I gave my shop a facelift, too; feel free to take a peek:

And if you have thoughts on what else I should sell, lemme know. I am not, however, going to sell CuppaJoe Cozies or Wradical Wraps through Etsy, since they have their own home.

1 comment:

KnotGypsy said...

I checked out your Etsy Shop. I really like your pin cushions. I hearted the green one.

My only problem was that the photos were awfully dark. I have old eyes and had difficulty seeing your items clearly.

I had a lot of trouble with my photos (of my jewelry) at first, until I started taking them outside in sunlight. I also had a problem with too much orange. The sunlight solved both problems for me. Just a thought.