14 October 2004

Today In Alternate History

I am a fan of alternate histories, so while surfing through Blogger's "next blog" randomizer (top right corner, if ya missed it) I was pleased to find Today In Alternate History, a blog by Robbie Taylor. It's a curiously creative site which I have added to my blogroll for future visits.

If you don't understand what we are talking about, here's a primer from Uchronia. I also recommend either the book or film version of Fatherland for a jumping off point. (I can loan you the book if you're curious.)

I got into alternate history through dystopian fiction, as the genres sometimes overlap. Technically, both genres come under the umbrella of science fiction. It should be noted that "stories set in a future which has since come and passed (such as George Orwell's 1984) are not alternate history" [from brainyencyclopedia], though some people try to file them there.


Christopher said...

Fatherland was a great book.

Have you read "The Man in the High Castle"?

Unknown said...

No, I haven't read any of Philip K Dick's books... but they do translate well into film ;)

I will try to track down a copy, though it isn't held by any local library (just checked)..