03 December 2005

Know your Narnia

Guardian Unlimited presents "Know your Narnia" an A to Z guide so you can bone up on the basics before the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe premieres next weekend.

Some of the entries are pretty funny, too like this one:

Q is for Queen of Narnia

She calls herself that, but she's not a real queen. It's like those titles Idi Amin used to make up.

And if you'd like a more detailed synopsis or other info, have a peek at the stuff on Narniaweb.com. You can also get a spiffy countdown banner thingy, though it might be seen as a wee bit obsessive. (Note: I was going to put one on here, but it requires one to download a zip file then upload part of it and paste code into the webpage... which seems pretty labour-intensive for a counter!)

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