04 August 2005


While I was waiting to pay for my morning coffee the other day, there were three students ahead of me. My guess, they are education students; they were discussing separation anxiety among preschoolers. This led to the following exchange:

Student A: "I dunno what all the fuss is about. I mean, I loved kindergarten. I loved the Flintstone phone we had."
Student B:"Flintstone phone? Obviously you went to the rich kids' kindergarten. We had rocks."
Student C:"Rocks? I wish we had rocks. We had broken glass"

wait a beat

... and the clerk says, "Yeah, well we had to break our own glass."

Now probably one of you is going to comment that this is a quote from some movie I haven't seen or some classic comedy act from 1930s radio.... but even if it is, the delivery was perfect and it put a big grin on my face.


Ted Godwin said...

Actually it is a very funny homage to a very funny Monty Python skit. It gets to be funnier the older you get as you find yourself thinking or even saying such things in discussing your kids.

My particular weakeness is describing the mile I had to walk to school and back each day in Junior High whenever someone moans about the recent middle school re-org that forced some kids to - heaven forbid - ride a bus to school.

Anonymous said...

"describing the mile I had to walk to school and back each day in Junior High whenever someone moans about the recent middle school re-org that forced some kids to - heaven forbid - ride a bus to school."

You can't tell that to kids these days -- they'd never believe it!