07 November 2004

And I didn't even try to cook the results.

You're British Columbia. You're hip and happenin'
but also a nice person who isn't a snob. Career
is important to you but it isn't your whole
life. People assume that your life is perfect
and that you have it all, like you were born
with a silver spoon in your mouth. But it's not
true; you do have your own set of troubles just
like everybody else.

What Canadian Province Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I am so West Coast it hurts sometimes (but in a "good hurt" kinda way).


Christopher said...

I'm Nova Scotia:

People have spread rumours about you and you have suffered from stereotyping. Few people take the time out to get to know the real you. You hate labels. You are patriotic and loyal.

Hmmm....sounds about right

Tim Bailey said...

Yeah, I was BC too. I thought I might come out as Ontario or something terrifying like that.

I also took that guy's other test ("Which Kubrick Character are you?") and apparently I'm Spartacus! Right on!