28 November 2004

Photic Sneeze Reflex

According to
The Straight Dope, my habit of sneezing in bright sunlight (aka Photic Sneeze Reflex) is "a threat to our national security" (the reference is to fighter pilots**, though I can say I've worried about my personal security -- and that of my passengers -- when I find myself suddenly driving toward full sunlight.

Apparently, it is an inherited trait (I can confirm this, as the trait appears both before and after me in the family tree) and it affects between 1/6 and 1/4 of the population, heavy on the Caucasians.

Hmm... since it's a recognized disorder, I wonder if I can benefit somehow? Someone find me a nice cosy loophole, eh?

**NOTE: If you happen to be living in the country directly south of here, and are facing a possible Armed Services draft, you may want to learn how to mimic this "disorder" to avoid flying in combat.


Tim Bailey said...

Actually... you know I've always wanted to use the "I sneezed" excuse in an ICBC claim. Here's a perfect opportunity for you to become a test case: Next time someone pisses you off on a sunny day, ram 'em, and then claim you sneezed. You actually have a sneezing disorder, so how could they rebut? Sneezing is involuntary, and therefor (I would argue) you are not responsible for the accident. Except, you know, you did it on purpose and everything...

Unknown said...

Chloe: Hahahahah!

Tim: Good one. I was looking for a loophole along the lines of early retirement or guaranteed high-paying job, but I think I can use this ICBC one.