05 November 2004

Stupid brain.

I just woke from a dream that contained a high level of oddness even for me. First, it was clear in the dream that I was getting a remarried, Hubby no. 1 was OK with it (in a "you can have her" kinda way) as Hubby-to-be seemed to be living in the same house; though I was working on paring things down so i could move in with Hubby-to-be. The weirder thing was that our extended families (mine, Hubby's and Hubby-to-be's) were all over for a meet and greet; Hubby's Mother agreed that Hubby-to-be was a good match. I then told her there was a catch -- he was just about to lose/leave his job. Meanwhile, Hubby-to-be's neices and nephews had just taken all the garbage bags out of the box and blown them up as balloons. The last "scene" of the dream was me opening the door to Hubby-to-be's new apartment (a crappy basement level one-bedroom) and something inside of me realized this meant starting over again -- the kid was living with Hubby, and I would have to struggle to get things like a car, house and mortgage... and it also revealed to me who Hubby-to-be was. (If you think I am going to name names, think again!)

The dream has left me very depressed. What part of my brain even considers this? My Hubby is the best/only match I could ever imagine! Add to that the fact that my dream self is a selfish tw*t who abandons her kid? Forget it! And even my dream self was bummed over starting over... man that would suck. So what the hell is all of this about? The only thing I can hope is that the real focus of the dream was purging posessions... I have been watching a lot of organizing and clutter-busting shows. In the meantime, I am blaming the hardcore antibiotics for conjuring this crap inside my stupid brain.

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