25 July 2004

weekend ups and downs

OK... so on the up side, my hubby and I went out for a drink on Friday with friends. Then we extended it to include dancing.... and while I certainly enjoyed the dancing... I am no longer "in practice" and cannot hold alcohol. So after we closed down the bar (!!) I spent an evening of horrible suffering for my indulgences -- a total of 4 bottles of cider; three within the last 2 hours of the night. As a result, most of Saturday disappeared in a haze of sickness, sleep and lethargy.

Saturday evening however, I held to my promise to take my daughter to Luminara which was interesting, though very crowded and not stroller-friendly. Next year, if I go, I will go at least an hour earlier, and pack along drinks and snacks (because nothing can be sold within the park) plus some better lanterns and better shoes.

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