16 September 2006

Glam for a Night....

So... what did we look like last night? Pretty good, I think.


Hubby rented a tux; I spruced up my "vintage" dress with a nice necklace (my Grandmother's), earrings (my own) and a shawl (on loan from my Mother in Law) -- and I put on full makeup (something very rare in these parts). Even more rare was my putting on pantyhose which immediately laddered, then tore outright. At least it was a full length gown, so really, who cared? We got quick photos in the hotel room before heading out, thinking we would get more photos later...

mike_full2 full_me_blurry

...but somehow in the time we were dressed, neither of us thought to ask anyone to take our photo together. Doh.

tags: hubby, playing dressup


Tim Bailey said...

You guys always clean up pretty good, though, don't you? I've always thought so.

Anonymous said...

Nice photos.

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