26 August 2004

In hindsight...

I should have accepted the tarot reading I got prior to applying and NOT applied. The cards basically predicted that I would be betrayed and suffer a fall from grace. Hmmm.

So I went back to the cards and asked, "Should I just get over it?" using a Three Fates spread of the Rider Waite Tarot. And the answer is more or less, "yes." My interpretation of the reading goes like this:

Past = Eight of Swords (interference) = You were screwed
Present = The High Priestess = In the big picture, this is insignificant
Future = Six of Pentacles (success) reversed = I am likely to be childish and petty about it.

The future element is already evident in the emails I have sent to friends but I will try to keep any pointing and laughing to myself. In the meantime, I can settle in and enjoy the next few weeks not being trained, not going to meeting upon meeting, and not getting in over my head.

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