04 August 2006

Content Thief in Action....

Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Stole My Photos and Now is Sueing ME!?! on Flickr - Photo Sharing![*]

Check out the thief's "portfolio"[*] -- it's full of stolen images subsequently claimed as his own. Several people have found where the photos actually came from. Along with kk+, Flickr users jgarber, Johnny Blood, and Stitch were targets -- and probably more.

I doubt this "photographer" actually even owns a camera.

[original story from DarrenBarefoot.com]

As the only valid link left in this story was the link to the "thief's portfolio" and that no longer pointed to any stolen content, I have removed the links so that you don't get a bunch of 404s. I hate those as much as I hate content thieves.

I have also removed the name of the individual as it appears there is no longer a reason to direct people to search his pages for their content.

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