14 September 2005

Peeps in the Library

OK...this is too funny. Millikin University Library produced this little web page on how to use the library, how to get help, and what constitutes inappropriate behavior -- but they used Peeps (i.e. those little sugary-marshmallow confections) to illustrate it all.


carrie said...

Too cute! I love Peeps.

Sarcasmo said...


Although I'm a *little* disturbed by the suggestion that they have cameras in the patron restroom area!

Shawn DeWolfe said...

on peeps:

58... 59... 60... 61...
60... :(
59... :(
59...! :)
60...! :)

(yes, you can delete this silly comment-- it's too obscure for most people)

Sarcasmo said...

Was that from Malcolm in the Middle's tribute to Cool Hand Luke, by chance, Mike?

Man - that was totally gross.

Shawn DeWolfe said...

Bing! You win the prize. Expect a box of peeps in the mail. If they get lost for a few years, the flavor won't be affected.

Unknown said...

AhA! It appears, as previously believed, Sarcasmo is not "most people."

Also, that is one of my favourite scenes on TV ev-ar. Why would I delete a reference to that?