11 July 2007

Stick a fork in me....

...I'm done.

Seriously. The temperature on campus today was 34.6°C (which is a little over 94°F).

It was somewhat cooler at home, but still over 30. The problem is, by 9:30 tonight, the readings showed that it was still over 30 on campus, but it had dropped to 22 here; now at nearly 11 pm it's 17 here (quite comfortable) and still 25 on campus.

[If you're curious, the school-based weather station network gives a really good read on Victoria's microclimates.]

This is why the library never manages to cool down... the heat just sits there. Ugh. Add to that our lack of air conditioning -- which apparently makes us points as a "green" campus (though I wonder if anyone is calculating the extra electricity being used by desk and standing fans plugged into every possible outlet) -- and you get a very uncomfortable workplace.

At least I managed to find a tiny bit of shade at lunchtime... though since I plunked myself under some sort of conifer (pine? fir? who knows...) I got a big glob of sap on my shorts. Sigh.

They say the weather should cool down tomorrow... just a little...

Oh, in other news, our CafePress stuff showed up and it's great! I wore a t-shirt with one of hubby's designs to work today -- and got several chuckles and complements! Yay!

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