10 October 2007

Cozies Redux!

After many months of procrastination, I finally took the time to refresh the website for my CuppaJoe Cozies and Wradical Wraps. I removed some excess, tidied up some info, and totally reworked the order page. Hooray!

CuppaJoe Cozies in a Row

Of course, the trigger was another shout-out by Colin over at his CoffeeCrew blog... and today, I got an email from a local area cafe interested in selling my cozies as "a Christmas impulse item." Woo! I'll let you know how that works out.


In other follow-up news, my review for Chuzzle Deluxe is up at Game-Boyz.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perfect. Those ones we sent to that (now-defunct) coffee shop here in Humboldt County sold out very fast as stocking stuffers.