24 April 2009

Change and no change....

Didn't get the job; at least got a call early in the day so I could get on with what I was doing. The person who was hired is likely a much better fit, I feel good about having gone through the process, and now I don't have to fret over upgrading my professional wardrobe; I can continue to wear my sassy Threadless tees. No change is fine.

A large part of the day was spent moving dirt (this is the change part). Hubby had started the process yesterday, I put a dent in it, and he pretty much finished it late in the day. We moved 5 cubic yards of dirt from our driveway into the three beds we'd already built, a new bed I built today (5'x3' for lettuce and spinach) , and a big old pile beside the fence into which we tucked a bunch more potatoes.

I added up our total square footage of raised beds -- we have 136 square feet of garden space (a little less, maybe because the 8x8 plot is pretty large and hard to get into the middle) plus the weird tire-beds in the front and a few more piles of potato growing craziness around the yard. Now I have to plan where everything is going (I have a good idea, but need to check things like soil acidity and various other tolerances) and get ready to garden! Even with all this, we still have plenty of room in our back yard:


I love our yard. :)

1 comment:

Mrs Robot said...

How exciting to be getting stuck into a new garden! How I envy you the space. Our yard is great, but tiny, shady, and with a marauding scrub turkey in residence. All I need to tell you about the turkey is that is scratches and kicks the crap out of pretty much everything in sight. So we have a modest array of herbs plus some lettuce and cherry tomatoes, and that's about it. So I'm vicariously cultivating via your garden. :D

When I did have some space I have found this a source of some inspiration. I don't know how much you can glean from the website, but it's a small (and organic!) bed system that is designed to be able to feed a family out of an average suburban backyard. And it's in Tasmania, so the climate is not a million miles from your own. The entire site is useful, incidentally.

Happy growing!