31 October 2009

Falling back and such

Since we still haven't solved that whole Daylight Savings nonsense, tonight we'll be changing a bunch of clocks (and the rest tomorrow). Right now, I am making the most of what is left of Halloween by watching Practical Magic. I stayed home to hand out candy while Hubby took Kiddo around the neighbourhood and then off to Oak Bay to see the bonfire.

She loved her costume this year -- Ahsoka, from Star Wars: the Clone Wars -- but was frustrated by how often she had to explain it. She had more fun earlier when she tried on Hubby's V for Vendetta mask:


(BTW, I saw several people wearing that mask yesterday among the many protesters in Centennial Square (some of whom later caused enough of a ruckus that the route for the Olympic Torch Relay had to be adjusted to avoid them).)


Bonus: linkdump!

  • Supernatural Collective Nouns by Wondermark -- I immediately bookmarked this for future reference and amusement.
  • Star Wars zombie art -- yeah, I think I am over zombies now... but this is still an amusing set.
  • Cell size and scale -- if you haven't already seen this, go look, play with the slider, and break your brain a little. Then show your kids. It's edutastic!

Oh, and if any of you are on Google Wave, let me know. I can't invite others (yet?) and I'd like to see if more people would make it suck less. (Right now, it seems kinda sucky and pointless.)

Starting tomorrow, it's PeGeStuDoMo!

1 comment:

Librarianguish said...

Practical Magic was filmed just down the road from where I live now (and I lived in that town when they were filming). My ex-husband was an extra - you can barely see him in the final scene. Also, my old car plays an even bigger role, as the blue subaru on the side of the road when the bicycle racers come around the corner. haha! It was fun kind of hanging around in town when they filmed the movie, and it was amazing how they came in and painted all of the buildings white. It took a while to get everything just so, but after they were done filming it only took a couple of days to paint everything back in its original color!

And DST is silly.