01 June 2009

unseasonably warm

Today was warm -- no, it was hot. The campus was full of (sun)burn victims, the sunny weekend having taken them by surprise. While it was partly overcast, we hit a high of 27°C this afternoon -- close to the record of 28.6°C set in 1970.

At home, the house hasn't really had a chance to cool off since we had it mostly closed up while away for the weekend. After a very challenging night of tossing and turning in the heat last night, I was inspired to finally finish off the built-in bed in the basement. Hubby was kind enough to go out in search of foam to fit the odd-sized platform -- it's 63"x70" While he was out, I put up curtains, stowed the crap we had stored there and made it as ready as possible for a night of sleep.

I trimmed and fit the foam and after some discussion, we decided to set it up sideways so that we can both get in and out of bed without climbing over one another. We'll see how it all works; there's every chance we'll end up stumbling up to our "regular" bed in the middle of the night.

Here's some before and after shots... oddly I don't seem to have photos of it all covered in boxes and stuff....

built-in_bed built-in_bed
short_but_functional bonus_built-in_bed

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