20 May 2007

Building the perfect Cthulhu.....

Many of you have seen photos, or read hubby's blog about his "summer project" to build a Cthulhu sculpture (with a built-in fountain, no less) out of junk we've had cluttering up the place. Some of you have even seen the creation in progress.

Well, most of the junk has gone into the sculpture already, and the body is being built up with various other materials, but eventually that sucker will need to be fiberglassed. So, Hubby has put out a "wish" on the Robin Hood Fund for cash to finish it off (now if he could only wish for extra time!!).

Anyway, if you want to find out more about the wish or the fund, clicky below....

Supplies for my Cthulhu Sculpture

Supplies for my Cthulhu Sculpture

Voting starts in 0 minutes Robinhood Fund » The World's First Web 2.0 Wishing Well

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