02 August 2004

little things...

Driving to work yesterday, I was waiting at a long traffic light and I noticed a little kid dancing around in a costume outside his (her?) front door... at first I thought it was a bird (it had wings), then I thought it was a horse (it had a mane and a tail), then I realized it must be a Pegasus costume! How clever. And the kid was really cute.


Landscaped part of our deck on Saturday... have to admit, it was fun to wander through the gravel mart and pick out just the right paving stones and rocks. Now we have a nice looking little weed-free area... that is covered in riding toys. Sigh.

We also painted our freezer which sits outside and had started to go rusty. So we used Tremclad, like the ad says "right over the rust." Yay!


Dug out some boxes from storage last night and found a box we had packed about six years ago. Inside were two decks of idea cards (52 Ways to Simplify Your Life and 52 Tokens of Affection), also in the box was my wedding plan binder, and a bunch of personal keepsakes, like my first welding project that the instructor said looked professional. Boxes like that are like little treasure troves and just make me smile... but then I think no one else would get it.... and I start thinking, that if I died suddenly, someone would have to clean out all those boxes... and how sad that they wouldn't understand the significance.... then I think I should write it all down, and document stuff... like scrapbooking... actually not a bad idea. I like the concept of scrapbooking, I just lack the time to do it! I have a bundle of stuff put aside for Alice's scrapbook... but have done nothing. Sigh.

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