19 October 2004

bad hair experiences

I was reminded by thismostamazing: , who is feeling exposed by her new short hair, that I have had more bad hair experiences with short hair than with long.

Let's start with me, age 4-ish. Our next-door neighbours had a hair salon in in their basement, so I cut across the lawn, wandered into the waiting area, and asked for a haircut. Going in, I had a lovely cascade of blonde curls and my hair was never the same after she was done. She gave me short hair. "Boy hair." After that, my Mother just kept it cut boyishly-short until I could speak for myself.... though I failed to make better choices. Eventually, I thought enough is enough, and I grew it all out.

I have gone back to short hair from time to time... but I feel more comfortable (despite being unable to braid my own hair) when it is long.

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